Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gain Credibility With Custom Web Design

Why not make a cheaper plan for my Web-based business?

It's easy to understand why small business owners are attracted by the idea of a simple website based on a generic model. Many business owners feel pressured to have at least some sort of Web presence, and often look for a cheap and simple alternative to a professionally designed website.

However, if we take seriously the development of a credible and cost effective web presence is needed on:

1) The visual impact of your website potential customers:

Several large studies conducted by the Web Credibility Research Stanford have the following:

We found that a wide range of design decisions - ranging from the visual elements of information architecture with the use of ads - can powerfully influence whether visitors can find a credible site. Like the human community, the Web sites are benefiting (or suffering) on the basis of their appearance. . . We find that people quickly evaluate a site by visual design alone. When designing your site, pay attention to layout, typography, images, consistency issues, and more.

The bottom line: quality custom web design dramatically increases their credibility on the Web. It's really that simple.

2) The advantage of hiring a professional to design your site:

If you have any training or experience in HTML, you should hire a professional web if:

1. You do not want to learn the many Web Design and Usability Guidelines for good web design.

2. You are very familiar with the rules of the site, or the different needs of different browsers.

3. You do not understand search engine optimization.

4. You do not want to spend much of their valuable time working on your site.

3) The need to pick the right professional for your needs:

The web services industry is highly competitive. With so many companies and independent professionals to choose from, selecting the right professional for your web project can become a daunting task. Here are three suggestions to consider when looking for a web designer:

1. Skill. Make sure your professional future of the Web has the right skills for your project. Ask questions. Doing a little research. Take a look at your portfolio.

2. Communication. Web professionals are people, not computers. To develop a Web site that meets the expectations of your customers and yourself, you need to find a site for which you can communicate easily and comfortably. Communication = Shared Success Expectations.

3. Be objective and use their critical thinking skills when interviewing prospective web professionals. Choosing a professional web is much like choosing a doctor. Temperament and their needs must be combined with the skills, knowledge and temperament of the professionals you chose.

Because I am a professional web myself, I am confident that after comparing my service to my competition you chose me for their web design needs. Whoever you choose, you can feel comfortable that you are making the right decision to develop a brand, custom website that will help you gain credibility and trust on the Web.